Situational Awareness

Its boring, its hard, but its worth it.

Situational Awareness is one of the most important things you can teach yourself.  It means that you are paying attention to your surroundings and are aware of what is going on.  It means your not looking at your phone and ignoring the possible threats around you. It means you care about yourself enough to plan ahead when you see something out of the ordinary in front of you.  It means you make a conscious effort to be more aware and to act instead of react to possible threats.  It means your willing to sacrifice time with your phone in order to possibility avoid situations none of us want to be involved in.  It means you believe your life is important enough to have your full attention.  It means so much more. Its paying attention to the little things.  It’s boring and continuous.  It’s putting yourself in the best possible position before the situation even happens.  It’s something not enough people do.  If you could learn one thing to make yourself and those around you safer learn situational awareness.  After all, any tool you have is useless unless you can use it. Remember, Your Mindset is Everything.

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