Prepared vs. Paranoid

It’s clear to me and many others that there is a fine line between being prepared and being paranoid. 

Too many people seem to think that just because someone is buying ammunition or stocking up on long term food that they are crazy and being extremely unrealistic.  This can be true for a small percentage of people, but the majority take these precautions and prepare ahead of time in order to be better off when a substantial event occurs.  A prime example would be the storm that hit Maine in late October of 2017.

“Central Maine Power, a subsidiary of the Spanish utility holding company Avangrid, reported an estimated 400,000 customer accounts – more than 60% of the utility’s customer base – were without service on Monday.” – Forbes

The storm started Sunday night and continued into Monday.  Literally over night hundreds of thousands of people were without power. Central Maine Power did their best to fix as much as they could, but there were reports of people being without power for up to 10 days.  Living without power for 10 days can seem much longer to the unprepared.  For the people that had the proper equipment and had prepared ahead of time, it was not easy but they were much better off than those that did not.

The quote above was about a state many Americans could not point to on a map.  Now think about the events that happen that are far more severe.  Think about Puerto Rico and what the citizens there are still experiencing to this day.  Think about the floods that effected many people in the state of Texas this year.  Obviously it would take an extreme amount of preparation to be fully unaffected and be living in that area, but those people that did have basic preparations probably were a little bit better off than those who didn’t.

When you start to put these events into perspective and realize that these types of events happen to millions of people every year, buying more than what is immediately necessary or taking an addition training course in first aid for example, doesn’t seem so crazy anymore.

Remember, Your Mindset is Everything.

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