Firearms Instruction

NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course

This course goes over everything you need to know in order to clean, store, own, and shoot a pistol.  This course is ideal for new shooters, people afraid of guns, or people that own guns and just want to expand their knowledge.  More Details

Armed Basic Pistol Level 2

This course is meant to build directly off basic pistol knowledge and skills.  This class will go in depth about safe gun handling and the five fundamentals of pistol shooting.  This is a four hour class.  More Details

NRA Refuse to be a Victim Seminar

This seminar is designed to help people realize that there are many ways to improve your safety.  You will leave with a better understanding how to make yourself and your family safer.  Not everything you learn will work for you, this seminar was created in order to give people options.  This seminar will help you realize that Your Mindset is Everything.  More Details

One on One Individualized Training

Don’t have time to attend a regular schedule class?  Already taken a full class and want to improve your form?  Think more individual attention would benefit you more than a full class?  No problem, individualized training is the most flexible training option Armed offers!  More details.

Certified Instructor For:

NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course

Armed Basic Pistol Level 2

NRA Refuse to be a Victim Seminar

One on One Individualized Training