
“Thank you for teaching a great class, I learned a lot and will recommend it to all my friends. Your a great teacher” – Robin Crocker


“Great, fun class. Thanks” – Anonymous Student

“Your demonstrations and modeling were very helpful.” – Anonymous Student

“I like the visuals: door locks, dog bowls, knives, keys.” – Anonymous Student

“I really enjoyed this!” – Anonymous Student

“Steven was very good and well prepared” – Anonymous Student

“Thanks Steve, it was a great course.  I highly recommended this class.” – Mark Barnes


“Very welcoming experience and very knowledgeable in the subject matter. ” – Anonymous Student

“This was a very good seminar and I believe it benefited many people in the class.  The instructor knew what he was talking about and used many prudent examples.” – Anonymous Student

Great seminar and definitely makes you think about your awareness and preparedness!” – Anonymous Student